Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Song of Solomon 2:15
“Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.” (NIV)

It occurred to me that this situation was a metaphor for our marriage. One day everything looks and feels wonderful. We go out of our way to do special things for each other for the sole purpose of seeing the other one smile.

Then the beetles, or as Solomon says ‘the little foxes,’ take over our lives and eat away the joyful moments. The children whine, the dog throws up, the washer breaks, and supper burns. When he gets home, I ‘greet’ my hardworking husband with a scowl and jump right in to tell him how horrible everything is. All he can see is the shadow of the joyful wife he left in the morning.

I hate when I focus on the negatives and forget that I am here to support and provide tangible love to my spouse and family. Thankfully God provides a fresh start each morning. I can ask for forgiveness for yesterday’s failings (from both God and my husband), and I can focus on the blossoms of today’s joy. Yes, things will go wrong, but I can manage my attitude so the day isn’t ruined. I want to shoo away the negative attitudes so that my husband comes home to the peaceful place and loving wife that he deserves.

My Prayer for Today:

Lord, I thank You for Your amazing creation – yes, even the Japanese beetles. Continue to remind me that our troubles are only temporary, and that Your love is eternal. Help me to focus on Your blessings and to keep the world’s little hassles in proper priority. In Jesus’ Name, Amen


1 comment:

June said...

I see you've linked me but for the life of me, I can't figure out who you are. Definitely a member of MYStitchers but who uh? Anyway, welcome to the world of blogging.